The Town of Sedgewick

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Council Highlights for April 19th, 2018

Town of Sedgewick Council discussed the following issues at their April 19th regular meeting of council.


March 22nd, 2018 Council Highlights

Council discussed the following issues at their regular Council meeting held on March 22nd, 2018. (more…)

February 15th, 2018 Council Meeting Highlights

Council discussed the following issues at their regular Council meeting held on January 18th, 2018.


Frequency of Recycling Curbside Collection Increased

The Flagstaff Regional Solid Waste Management Association (FRSWMA) has announced that they will be increasing the frequency of curbside collection for recyclable products.  (more…)

Naming Rights for Rec Centre up for Grabs

The Town of Sedgewick has issued a request for proposal for the naming rights of the Sedgewick Recreation Centre.  The Town is looking for an interested party that would hold the rights for a minimum of 10 years.


January 18th, 2018 Council Meeting Highlights

Council discussed the following issues at their regular Council meeting held on January 18th, 2018.


Christmas Tree Pickup

For those that want their used Christmas trees picked-up, please have them out on your curb on January 18th next to your garbage receptacle.  Have them out by 7am to ensure pick up.

Council Highlights for Dec. 21st, 2017

Following are a list of highlights from the December 21st, 2017 regular meeting of Council.


Town Hands Out Long Service Awards

The Town of Sedgewick honoured staff and volunteer firefighters with long-service awards last week.  Plaques commemorating between 5 and 25 years of service were handed out by Sedgewick Mayor, Perry Robinson at the Town’s annual year-end Christmas party.


Beware of False Fire Calls

False alarms have begun to increase in frequency in the Town of Sedgewick and are becoming a problem for our Fire Department.  False alarms cost the municipality money and put additional stress on our volunteer firefighting crew.

Please note that the Town of Sedgewick has the authority to charge residents and businesses in the event of a false alarm.  Town Council will be reviewing the amount charged at their December Regular Council Meeting when they will approve the Fees and Charges Bylaw for 2018.  Residents and business owners should expect to be charged in the new year in the event of a call-out being a false alarm.

Please take effort to work with your alarm monitoring company to prevent instances of false alarms.