The Town of Sedgewick

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Frequency of Recycling Curbside Collection Increased

The Flagstaff Regional Solid Waste Management Association (FRSWMA) has announced that they will be increasing the frequency of curbside collection for recyclable products.  The Town of Sedgewick has partnered with FRSWMA since last spring in a pilot-project where recyclables have been picked-up at the curb on the first Thursday of every month.

With the program being evaluated later in the spring to determine feasibility, blue bag pickups have been increased to twice a month.  From February through April, Sedgewick residents can have their recycling picked up on the first and also the third Thursday of each month.

Pick up days are as follows:

  • February 1st
  • February 15th
  • March 1st
  • March 15th
  • April 5th
  • April 19th

The increased level of service is a result of trying to improve the recycling habits of the community.  It is hoped that the increased convenience of pick-ups will increase household recycling and in turn keep recyclables out of the landfill.  Currently total recyclables in the Town are only approximately 1/3 of where they need to be for the program to be considered a success.  Results of the change will influence whether the community continues with the program past April.

Blue Bag Acceptables:

  • Hard Plastics #1-7
  • Tin or Aluminum Cans
  • Deposit Items
  • Clean Mixed Paper
  • Clean Cardboard

For more information visit www.frswma.com or call 780-384-3950

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