The Town of Sedgewick

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Garbage Service December 24 – January 2

Sedgewick’s Garbage Collection is not affected by the Christmas & New Year Seasons this year.
Collection days will continue on Thursdays throughout the coming holiday period.

Overdue Taxes – Avoid January 1st Penalty!

All Tax Accounts with overdue Taxes for 2018  were already levied a 10% penalty on August 1st. If 2018 Taxes remain unpaid past December 31, 2018, an additional penalty of 18% is levied against ALL arrears on account, including the August 1st 10% Penalty.

Therefore, it is very advantageous to pay any outstanding taxes prior to January 1, 2019. Contact the Town Office (780-384-3504)  if you have any questions or concerns regarding overdue taxes.

November 22, 2018 Council Meeting Highlights

Council addressed the following items at the November 22, 2018 Council Meeting:


Rockzilla Show & Dance Invitation!

The Town of Sedgewick invites Everyone to a rocking Christmas Show and Dance at the Sedgewick Community Hall December 8th!


Committee of the Whole Meeting

Council has rescheduled the Regular Meeting to November 22nd and will hold a “Committee of the Whole” meeting on November 15th instead.



The Regular Council meeting schedule meant the November Council meeting would have been held on November 15 @ 6:00 PM.


October 20, 2018 Council Meeting Highlights

Council discussed the following issues at their October 18, 2018 Organizational & Regular Council Meetings:


Flagstaff Waste – Recycling Program Changes

New/Revised Recycling Program Rolling Into Sedgewick!

Flagstaff Waste is hoping to deliver all the new bins required for the new Recycling Program by October 15th. A Marketing Campaign to highlight the program changes has been appearing in the Community Press the last few weeks. You can read them here: Community Press Published Recycling Information

The success of the Recycling Program is dependent on the Users. Residents are encouraged to explore the information provided, in order to be more informed and to have a better understanding of the program.

Flagstaff Waste has produced several graphics to assist residents. Please feel free to download, print and use these graphics as you see fit.

Bin Graphics
Office Paper Bin
Newsprint Only Bin
Tin Cans Only Bin
Cardboard Boxes & Boxboard Only Bin

September 20, 2018 Council Meeting Highlights

Council discussed the following issues at their September 20, 2018 regular Council Meeting.
