The Town of Sedgewick

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May Council Meeting Rescheduled

Council has approved a motion to reschedule the Regular Council meeting from the third Tuesday of the month to Wednesday, May 22nd at 6 PM.

Special Council Meeting, Wednesday, May 8 @ 6 pm

A Special Council Meeting will be held in the Town Office (4818 – 47th Street) Council Chambers to address the following business items:

  1. Main Street & Sewer Rehabilitation Tenders
  2. Re-schedule May Regular Meeting Date

The agenda is available on the website: Government > Mayor & Council > Meetings & Agendas

2019 Phase I Recreation Funding Deadline May 1, 2019

Application forms can be found at on this website or can be picked up at the Town Office.

Reminder: all applicants must have registered non-status status and must include their most recent financial statements with their application.

Applications can be sent to:

Recreation Funding Committee, Box 129, Sedgewick, AB T0B 4C0

National Public Works Week May 17 – 25, 2019 Declaration

Council declared the week of May 17 – 25, 2019 as National Public Works Week and urges all citizens to join with representatives of the Canadian Public Works Association and government agencies in activities, events and ceremonies designated to pay tribute to our public works professionals, engineers, managers and employees to recognize the substantial contributions they make in protecting our national health, safety and quality of work.

April 18, 2019 Council Meeting Highlights

Procedural Bylaw 555

The Municipal Accountability Program Review identified gaps in Bylaw 535, which is the Town of Sedgewick Procedural Bylaw. Council passed Procedural Bylaw 555 which addressed the gaps:

  • Removed provisions that allowed for councillors to cancel meetings in writing
  • Removed the allowance for all votes that were not unanimous to be recorded votes
  • Corrected the term “in Camera” to a “closed session.”

Animal Control Bylaw 556

Dog Control Bylaw 464 was approved in August 2009. Re-named Animal Control Bylaw 556 was passed with updates that included:

  • New definitions for Nuisance, Service and Restricted Dogs
  • New Licensing categories for Nuisance, Service & Restricted Dogs
  • New requirements of an owner whose animal/dog has been classified as a nuisance or restricted animal
  • New restrictions the CAO may impose for Nuisance and Restricted Dog

Check out these and other Bylaws in the Bylaw Library

Recreation & Culture Boards Sub-Committee Appointments

Council appointed Councillors Sparrow and Schmutz to the new Recreation and Culture Boards Sub-Committee established this spring, comprised of two designates from the Recreation, Golf Club, Community Hall and the Sedgewick Lake Park Boards, charged with three main goals:

  • To develop a cohesive staffing structure through shared employment between the recreation and culture boards.
  • To explore other areas of partnership that may be beneficial to the recreation and culture boards.
  • To forward recommendations to the respective recreation and culture boards for approval.

March 21, 2019 Council Meeting Highlights

Council addressed the following items at the Regular Council Meeting:

Municipal Accountability Program Review 2019

Municipal Affairs conducted a review of the Town of Sedgewick under the Municipal Accountability Program (MAP); the review included a CAO interview, review of Town documents and attendance by two Municipal Affairs representatives to the January 24, 2019 Council meeting. Council reviewed the MAP Report and directed Administration to submit a response plan to Municipal Affairs prior to the eight-week deadline.

Naming of Municipal Office

The recent MAP Review identified that a resolution of Council, naming 4818-47 Street as the Town Office was not made available. Council endorsed a motion to name 4818 – 47 Street in Sedgewick as the place of the municipal office.

Tax Recovery

Council directed Administration to inform Ackroyd Barristers & Solicitors by letter that if the tax arrears in respect of the parcel of land described as Plan 3825P, Block 3, Lots 15-18 are not paid before March 31, 2019 the Town of Sedgewick will offer the parcel for sale at a public auction that will be held in October 2019.

Municipal Emergency Management Plan

Pursuant to Emergency Management Bylaw 543, Council approved the updated Emergency Management Plan as presented.

2018 Financial Audit

Brian King Professional Corporation presented the Town of Sedgewick 2018 Financial Audit.

Dr. Meer Retirement Celebration

Council approved support for the retirement celebration for Dr. Meer by providing $200 towards venue rental fees, $500 for catering costs, up to $250 for a gift to be presented to Dr. Meer and advertising support at no cost.

February 26, 2019 Council Meeting Highlights

Council addressed the following items in the February 26, 2019 Council meeting:

Borrowing Bylaw 552

Council endorsed final reading to Borrowing Bylaw 552 that authorizes the Town of incur indebtedness by the issuance of debentures in the amount of $1.5 M for the purpose of revitalizing Main Street (4800 Block of 47th Street) which is to include sanitary sewer mains, pavement, sidewalks, light fixtures and other landscaping items.

Sedgewick Public Library Bylaw 553

Council endorsed Sedgewick Public Library Bylaw 553.

Records Retention Bylaw

Council endorsed Records Retention Bylaw 554.

Flagstaff Intermunicipal Partnership (FIP) 2019 Budget

Council approved the 2019 FIP budget which results in a $5,653.93 requisition for the Town of Sedgewick.

Public Works – Joint Employment Opportunity

Council directed Administration to move forward in a partnership with the Town of Hardisty to jointly hire a third Public Works employee with the Town of Sedgewick being the lead employer and a 2019 budget of $30,000.

Lot Prices on New 54th Avenue Residential Subdivision

Council endorsed a motion that the 54th Avenue Phase I residential subdivision lots be priced at $5/square foot and that as an incentive Council agrees to cancel all property taxes owed to the municipality in 2019, 2020 and 2021 for individuals who purchase a lot before December 31st, 2019.

March Council Meeting Postponement

Council rescheduled the March 21st Regular Council meeting from a 6:00 pm start to 7:00 pm.

January 24, 2019 Council Meeting Highlights

Council addressed the following items at the January 24th Regular Council Meeting


January Council Meeting Rescheduled to January 24th

The Town of Sedgewick Council January Council meeting has been rescheduled to Thursday, January 24th at 6:00 PM in the Town of Sedgewick Administration Office at 4818 – 47 Street in Sedgewick.

December 20th, 2018 Council Meeting Highlights

Council addressed the following items at the December 20th, 2018 Council Meeting:
