The Town of Sedgewick

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March 21, 2019 Council Meeting Highlights

Council addressed the following items at the Regular Council Meeting:

Municipal Accountability Program Review 2019

Municipal Affairs conducted a review of the Town of Sedgewick under the Municipal Accountability Program (MAP); the review included a CAO interview, review of Town documents and attendance by two Municipal Affairs representatives to the January 24, 2019 Council meeting. Council reviewed the MAP Report and directed Administration to submit a response plan to Municipal Affairs prior to the eight-week deadline.

Naming of Municipal Office

The recent MAP Review identified that a resolution of Council, naming 4818-47 Street as the Town Office was not made available. Council endorsed a motion to name 4818 – 47 Street in Sedgewick as the place of the municipal office.

Tax Recovery

Council directed Administration to inform Ackroyd Barristers & Solicitors by letter that if the tax arrears in respect of the parcel of land described as Plan 3825P, Block 3, Lots 15-18 are not paid before March 31, 2019 the Town of Sedgewick will offer the parcel for sale at a public auction that will be held in October 2019.

Municipal Emergency Management Plan

Pursuant to Emergency Management Bylaw 543, Council approved the updated Emergency Management Plan as presented.

2018 Financial Audit

Brian King Professional Corporation presented the Town of Sedgewick 2018 Financial Audit.

Dr. Meer Retirement Celebration

Council approved support for the retirement celebration for Dr. Meer by providing $200 towards venue rental fees, $500 for catering costs, up to $250 for a gift to be presented to Dr. Meer and advertising support at no cost.

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