The Town of Sedgewick

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Dog License Renewal

Council Highlight – Council Approves Increase to Legal Budget

On November 16, at the Regular Schedule Council meeting, Council approved a motion for an additional $30,000 to the 2023 legal budget from unrestricted general reserves to address the noncompliance of declared restricted and nuisance dogs within the regulations of the Animal Control Bylaw.

November 17,22 Council Highlights

November 17,22 Council Highlights

Council highlights offer an unofficial summary of Council decisions from the most recent meeting and may not include all resolutions passed.  For the full meeting minutes go to https://sedgewick.civicweb.net/Portal/Minutes are unofficial until approved at the subsequent Council meeting.

Bylaw 595 Fees & Charges Bylaw

Council approved 2nd and 3rd reading of the news Fees & Charges Bylaw to take effect January 1, 2023.

2023 Operating Budget

Council approved the 2023 Operating Budget in the amount of $3,040,010.

Bylaw 596 Consolidations and Corrections Bylaw

Council approved all readings of Bylaw 5996 Consolidations and Corrections Bylaw which allows Administration to consolidate bylaws that have been amended and to make grammatical or clerical corrections to bylaws.

Policy 17-02 Human Resources Policy

Council approved the Human Resources Policy with changes to the accrued sick time, office closure days at Christmas and removal of Firefighters from long-term service awards.

Sedgewick Recreation Board Mowing Agreement

Council rescinded the earlier motion approving the mowing of public lands by the Sedgewick Recreation Board staff effective 2023.

Interim CAO Contract

Council approved the extension and amendment to the Interim CAO contract.

October 22,22 Council Highlights

October 20, 2022 Council Meeting Highlights

Council highlights offer an unofficial summary of Council decisions from the most recent meeting and may not include all resolutions passed.  For the full meeting minutes go to https://sedgewick.civicweb.net/Portal/Minutes are unofficial until approved at the subsequent Council meeting.


Council approve adding a monthly recreation fee to the utility billings at a rate to ensure that $40,000 is generated to be utilized for the recreation and culture grants to be provided to town-owned recreation and cultural facilities and that this fee would be effective January 1, 2023.

Fortis Alberta Franchise Fee

Council agree to increase the Fortis Alberta franchise fee from 9% to 10% effective January 1, 2023.

Flagstaff Family & Community Services 2023 Budget

Council approve the Flagstaff Family & Community Services 2023 budget in the amount of $435,105 with an expected requisition for the Town of Sedgewick of $7,039.25.

Flagstaff Waste 2023 Draft Budget

Council approve the Flagstaff Regional Solid Waste Management Association 2023 draft budget in the amount of $2,648,050 with an expected requisition for the Town of Sedgewick of $135,535.58.

Parkland Regional Library 2023 Proposed Budget

Council approve the Parkland Regional Library System 2023 proposed budget in the amount of $3,597,800 with an expected requisition for the Town of Sedgewick of $6,660.

Sedgewick Community Hall Board Request for Funding

Council will be setting aside the annual rent paid by the Sedgewick Public Library for future maintenance issues for their building, and also capped the building purchase and renovation fund at $147,000.

Sale of Tax Recovery Property

Council accept the offer of $5,000 for Plan 3825P; Block 9; Lot 7 as presented and direct Administration to write off all outstanding taxes..

September 15,2022 Council Meeting Highlights


Council directed Administration to prepare a costing model to generate sufficient funds to cover the cost of heating at the Recreation Centre to be brought forward to a future meeting.


Council approved the job description and has directed Administration to include the costs in the draft 2023 operating budget.


Council appointed Debra Moffatt to act as the interim CAO.


Council approved closing the office and public works shop on Friday, September 30 to observe Truth & Reconciliation day.


Council will be renaming the 4800 block of 47 Street (downtown core) to Queen Elizabeth Way.  This will be an honorary name and will not require any address changes for the businesses located in this area.


Council will be setting aside the annual rent paid by the Sedgewick Public Library for future maintenance issues for their building, and also capped the building purchase and renovation fund at $147,000.


Council reviewed an offer to purchase of two lots in the new 54th Avenue subdivision which was subsequently accepted and the land has been transferred to the new owners.

October 17, 2019 Council Meeting

Council addressed the following items during the regular Council meeting;

Traffic Bylaw 564

Council endorsed final readings to Traffic Bylaw 564; available on sedgewick.ca

Recreation Funding Committee – Phase II Funding

Council approved the allocation of $4,016 to the Sedgewick Community Hall Association and $4,174 to the Sedgewick Lake Park Association for Phase II funding.

FortisAB – 2020 Electric Franchise Fee

Council approved an increase of the FortisAB Electric Franchise Fee from 8 to 9% for 2020.

Parkland Regional Library – 2020 Budget

Council approved the Parkland Regional Library 2020 budget, as presented, with a requisition of $6,935.05 to the Town of Sedgewick.

2127358 AB LTD – Conditional Development Permit

Development Permit 2019-16 for Plan 9023092, Block J, Lots A & B was conditionally approved to permit:

  • A Change of Use – to a caretaker’s residence
  • No requirement to separate the street from off-street parking facilities with a 1.0 meter-wide landscaped area.

3-Year Tax Agreement

Council authorized Administration to enter into a 3-year tax agreement regarding Tax Roll#20009095-300, with specific terms.

FIP – Management Model

Council approved the recommendation of the Flagstaff Intermunicipal Partnership Committee to eliminate the FIP Committee and split those responsibilities among municipalities with current operations to wind up no later than December 31, 2019.

Municipal Collaboration – Community Peace Officer Program

Council directed Administration to budget $6,500 in capital and $23,200 in operating costs in 2020 for the Community Peace Officer Program to be reviewed further upon the presentation of the 2020 budget to Council.

October 17, 2019 Council Organization Meeting

Deputy Mayor Appointment

Councillor Tim Schmutz was appointed as Deputy Mayor effective immediately, to continue through to the Organizational meeting in October 2020.

Board & Committee Appointments

Councillor’s appointments to the boards and committees were approved; a list of the appointments is available on the Town website.

Council Meetings

The monthly council meetings will continue to be held on the third Thursday of each month, beginning at 6:00 pm.

September 19, 2019 Council Meeting Highlights

Bylaw 562 – Amending Land Use Bylaw 461

Council approved final readings to Bylaw 562 that amends Land Use Bylaw 461 regarding fencing.

Bylaw 563

Council approved Designated Officers Bylaw 563 that establishes the positions of certain Designated Officers and establishes a framework for delegation of Administrative functions.

Bylaw 564 – Traffic Bylaw

Council approved first reading to Traffic Bylaw 563.

NOTE: Bylaws are available on the Town website

Main Street Businesses – Request for Tax Break

Council directed Administration to provide a 2019 tax break equal to six months of the municipal portion of commercial taxes to each of the petitioning businesses and send a letter explaining the additional financial contributions that the Town made on behalf of the businesses during the Main Street construction.

Nutec ElectroTel – High Speed Internet

Council directed Administration to proceed with entering into an agreement with Nutec ElectroTel to provide high speed internet within the Town of Sedgewick and the immediate perimeter.

SustainErgy – Rec Centre Scoping Audit

Council directed Administration to proceed with an engineering study through a company called SustainErgy Group as the next step in the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre (MCCAC) Rebate Program for the Wild Rose Coop Recreation Centre.

Town of Sedgewick 2019 Organizational Meeting

Council scheduled the 2019 Organizational meeting for October 17th, 2019 at 6 pm at the Sedgewick Town Office Council Chambers with October’s Regular Council meeting to follow at 6:15 pm.