The Town of Sedgewick

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October 17, 2019 Council Meeting

Council addressed the following items during the regular Council meeting;

Traffic Bylaw 564

Council endorsed final readings to Traffic Bylaw 564; available on sedgewick.ca

Recreation Funding Committee – Phase II Funding

Council approved the allocation of $4,016 to the Sedgewick Community Hall Association and $4,174 to the Sedgewick Lake Park Association for Phase II funding.

FortisAB – 2020 Electric Franchise Fee

Council approved an increase of the FortisAB Electric Franchise Fee from 8 to 9% for 2020.

Parkland Regional Library – 2020 Budget

Council approved the Parkland Regional Library 2020 budget, as presented, with a requisition of $6,935.05 to the Town of Sedgewick.

2127358 AB LTD – Conditional Development Permit

Development Permit 2019-16 for Plan 9023092, Block J, Lots A & B was conditionally approved to permit:

  • A Change of Use – to a caretaker’s residence
  • No requirement to separate the street from off-street parking facilities with a 1.0 meter-wide landscaped area.

3-Year Tax Agreement

Council authorized Administration to enter into a 3-year tax agreement regarding Tax Roll#20009095-300, with specific terms.

FIP – Management Model

Council approved the recommendation of the Flagstaff Intermunicipal Partnership Committee to eliminate the FIP Committee and split those responsibilities among municipalities with current operations to wind up no later than December 31, 2019.

Municipal Collaboration – Community Peace Officer Program

Council directed Administration to budget $6,500 in capital and $23,200 in operating costs in 2020 for the Community Peace Officer Program to be reviewed further upon the presentation of the 2020 budget to Council.

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