Licenses and Permits
Find helpful information on licenses and permits required in the Town of Sedgewick, from Development and Building Permits to Canine and Hawkers’ licenses.
Business Licenses
The Town of Sedgewick does not require a business license for brick and mortar businesses. See below for more information on Hawkers and Peddlars licenses (door-to-door sales).
Land Surveys
When looking into building, construction, renovations, or land development it’s important to be aware that you will be required to determine your site parameters; lot dimensions, position of all the improvements to the site and any encroachments that may exist and may need to obtain a Legal Land Survey.
Before you hire a surveyor to do a land survey, check with the Town of Sedgewick Office as we have many land surveys on file. If we do not have an updated land survey of your property, you can contact the Alberta Land Surveyor’s Association for a list of commonly asked questions about Legal Land Surveys.
Once you receive your survey, the Town of Sedgewick encourages you bring it in to the Administration office where we will make a copy to keep on file.
Development Permits
Please note that you must obtain a Development Permit from the Town of Sedgewick for any construction, renovations or demolition you undertake (including moving any type of structure into Town), prior to applying for a Building Permit. If you are demolishing a building you will need a Development Permit before applying for a Building Permit.
A Development Permit is required for:
- any renovations that are being done that would cost more than $5,000 dollars,
- any structure that is greater than 110 square feet,
- a deck with height exceeding 2 feet above grade,
- demolition of a structure, or
- relocation of buildings (i.e. mobile home or RTM structure.)
Development Permit fees are as follows:
- Residential/Institutional: $100.00
- Commercial/Industrial: $125.00
- Fences, Decks, Additions, Renovations, small structures including garages: $50.00
- Discretionary Permits: Add $50.00
- Extension of Development Permit: $25.00
- Demolition Permit: $50.00
A Development Permit application requires the following information:
- A site plan: a drawing showing the layout of the proposed development on the lot, with measurements showing the side/front and back yard setbacks from your property lines.
- All legal information – i.e. Legal Address, ownership of property and zoning.
- Authorization from the Owner if the applicant is not the Owner of the property
- Contractor name and estimated cost of development.
The Development Permit must be signed and approved by the CAO or a Designated Officer prior to application of a Building Permit.
All development within the Town of Sedgewick MUST conform to Land Use Bylaw #461 and Amending Land Use Bylaws #483, Amending Bylaws #483, #487, #504, #505, #506, #512, #520, #521, #527, #534, #544, #547, #562, #597 and #604. Check here to view the Bylaw Library.
Do you know what your property is zoned? Check the Town of Sedgewick Zoning Map.
Once the Development has been approved, in compliance with the Land Use Bylaw, you will need to submit your Development Permit to Superior Safety Codes Inc.– along with the provincially-required Permit applications you require for the proposed development (i.e. Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Natural Gas or Private Sewage.)
If you are in doubt as to whether something requires a Development Permit, please call the Town of Sedgewick 780-384-3504 to check.
Remember to think safety as you start your project and check for power lines and your safety Fortis.
Construction Permits
The Town of Sedgewick contracts Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Natural Gas & Private Sewage permits through:
Superior Safety Codes Inc.
Red Deer (toll free) 1-888-358-5545
Fax: 1-866-358-5085
Superior Safety Codes: Useful information for applicants
Alberta Safety Codes Council Information
Please be sure to see pamphlets put out by the Alberta Safety Codes Council, available for viewing as PDF:
Building a Deck
Carbon Monoxide Safety
Do I Need a Building Permit?
Finishing Your Basement
Secondary Suite Standards
Hawkers & Peddlars License
Pursuant to Hawkers & Peddlars License Bylaw #551, a person, whether a principle or agent who:
- goes from residence to residence selling, or offering for sale any merchandise or service to any person and who is not a wholesale or retail dealer in merchandise or service with a permanent place of business within the Town of Sedgewick;
- offers or exposes for sale to any person by means of samples, patterns, cuts or blueprints, merchandise to be afterwards delivered or shipped into the Town of Sedgewick, or
- sells merchandise on the streets or roads or elsewhere than a building that is his permanent place or business within the Town of Sedgewick,
shall not, within the Town of Sedgewick, carry on or operate any business as defined above, unless he/she hold a valid license to conduct such business.
Hawkers and Peddlars’ License shall not be granted unless the applicant holds a valid Provincial or Federal License where required by law and the applicant has submitted the proper fee as provided in the Bylaw.
See Hawkers & Peddlars License Bylaw #551 here.
Hawkers & Peddlers Application Form
Animal Licenses
Pursuant to Animal Control Bylaw 556, Owners are required to register and license their canines either:
- prior to January 31st annually or,
- any Owner who acquires a dog after January 31st; within fourteen days of residence
View Animal Control Bylaw 556 for more information