The Town of Sedgewick

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Outdoor Watering Permitted on Schedule

The Town of Sedgewick has been under an outdoor watering restriction on and off from the middle of May. The hot weather combined with a concurrent high demand for water across the community is the reason for the restrictions. The restrictions are not exclusive to Sedgewick and are the norm throughout many communities in Alberta each and every summer.

Outdoor Watering is now permitted in the Town of Sedgewick on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays between 7pm and 11pm. Please keep to these times and conserve water when possible.

Between July 9th and 15th, 620,400 gallons of water were used and supplied by the municipal reservoir which has a capacity of 450,000 gallons. From the beginning of July to mid-month, even with a partial watering ban in place, the reservoir was emptied more than three times. Water usage above and beyond what the reservoir was built to handle is the reason for the water restrictions imposed this summer.

We understand that this has been a hardship for many as it is in many towns and villages across Alberta at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope the small-town values of pulling together for the greater good are able to prevail during this time.

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