The Town of Sedgewick

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April 16th Council Meeting to be Held Electronically

Due to COVID-19 and to protect the health and safety of the public, elected officials and Town staff, Sedgewick Town Council will hold its regular meeting on Thursday, April 16th, electronically via Zoom beginning at 6 p.m.

Alberta Municipal Affairs has given municipalities flexibility under the Meeting Procedures (COVID-19 Suppression) Regulation to hold Council meetings electronically during the COVID-19 outbreak in order to comply with social distancing requirements outlined by the Chief Medical Officer of Health.

The Council meeting package for April 16th is posted online at https://sedgewick.civicweb.net/Portal/

Members of the public are welcome to listen in to the meeting by phone. Citizens who wish to access the meeting must first register by phoning the Town office at 780-384-3504 prior to 4:30pm on April 16th. Once they are registered, citizens will be provided with a toll free number to access the meeting.

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