The Town of Sedgewick

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July 30, 2019 Council Meeting Highlights

Bylaw 559 – Utilities Bylaw

Council endorsed final readings to amended Bylaw 559, the Utilities Bylaw.

Bylaw 562 – LUB Amendment #12

Council endorsed first reading to Bylaw 562 – Amendment #12 to Land Use Bylaw 461. The amendment updates and clarifies Section 40, for Fences. A Public Hearing will be held on September 19, 2019 at 6:00 pm in the Town Administration Office Council Chambers at 4818 – 47 Street, Sedgewick. Draft copy of Bylaw 562 may be viewed on the Town of Sedgewick website (www.Sedgewick.ca)

2019 Capital Budget Amendment

Council approved an amendment to the 2019 Capital Budget to fund the increased Main Street Revitalization Project totalling $100,000 from the General Capital Reserve. Council also approved the transfer of funds from the Fire Truck Reserve to the General Capital Reserve.

FIP – Next Generation Broadband Project

Council approved commitment to Phase I and II of the Regional Broadband Project.

Main Street Pole-Mount Christmas Lighting

Council approved the purchase of 12 pole-mount Christmas Lights for $7,898 with the source of funding to be the General Operating Reserve.

Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF)

Council appointed Mayor Robinson and Councillors Levy and Imlah as representatives for the development of the ICF. (The ICF is a new legislated requirement.)

Flagstaff Scottish Club

Council waived the fees for the Flagstaff Scottish Club to use the portable stage on August 24, 2019 in exchange for a full-color ad in their program for the 2nd Annual Gathering of the Clan Highland Festival.

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