The Town of Sedgewick

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9th Annual Movie in the Park Big Success!

The 9th Annual Movie in the Park hosted this year in Sedgewick turned out to be a big success once again.  Hundreds of families turned out for a showing of Disney’s The Lion King on a perfect calm night last Tuesday.  Festivities started at 5:30pm and went through most of the evening with great food, bouncy houses and of course a dunk tank with some of your favorite local heroes (or villians?) getting a taste of frigid water thanks to the many accurate arms in Sedgewick!

Thanks to Parents for Fun in Flagstaff, the many volunteers and Sedgewick Town staff who helped pull another great event together.

Mayor Perry Robinson goes for a dunk


Who knew pigs were so cute!


Chickens too!


Petting zoos are the best!


And they even had time for a movie!

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