If your business or residence makes use of a monitored fire alarm, please take note that the call-in number is changing at the end of the year. It is important that you inform your monitoring company of the change prior to December 31st, 2017.
See the letter below from Regional Emergency Services Coordinator Kim Cannady for more information:
November 6, 2017
Re: Alarm Monitoring 9-1-1 calls
Alarm Monitoring Companies use a direct dial number to call the “Alarm Line” in our 9-1-1 call centre in
Strathcona County, this number is answered in priority sequence.
The new number to call for Alarm Monitoring Companies is (780) 449-9701
Please make note of the new number and forward this information on to your Alarm Monitoring
provider. The old number will be transferred to the new number until December 31, 2017 only.
This does not affect direct dialed 9-1-1 calls made from someone in our area, these calls will still be
handled in the same professional manner as always. There will be no impact to our residents.
If I may be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kim Cannady
Regional Emergency Services Coordinator