AMSC Rebate Contest
Council approved putting a rebate of $262 from AMSC towards the purchase of a community BBQ to directly benefit the community. The Town will be entered into the AUMA Rebate Contest with the winners receiving a free AUMA convention registration worth $700.
Recreation Board Bylaw
Council gave first, second, and third reading for Bylaw 532/17, the Town of Sedgewick Recreation Board Bylaw. The Bylaw formally establishes membership, powers, duties and limitations of the Recreation Board.
FRSWMA Membership Agreement
Council approved a membership agreement between the Town of Sedgewick and the Flagstaff Regional Solid Waste Management Association.
Solid Waste Bylaw
Council gave first reading to Bylaw 533/17, the Solid Waste Bylaw. The Bylaw sets standards for the following:
- Requirement of all solid waste to be placed in receptacles with properly fitted covers.
- Proper placement of receptacles put out for collection.
- Upkeep of receptacles.
- Parameters of yard waste collection.
- Enforcement of the Bylaw and associated penalties.
Development Permit Application
Council cancelled Development Permit 2017-05 and approved Permit 2017-07 allowing for a variance on the height of a maintenance shop expansion and office building to 11.5 meters.