The Town of Sedgewick


The Town of Sedgewick provides water, sewer, garbage and natural gas services to all residents.

Learn more about billing information and utilities below:

Frequently Asked Questions

How often do I get a utility bill?

Bills are issued on or about the 6th of each month and are due on the 16th of the same month.

Will I get penalized if I pay late?

A 2% penalty is levied on late payments.

A 2% penalty is levied on arrears past 30 days.

Payments that are made at the bank, at a banking machine or via electronic banking are credited to the customer’s accounts on the date that the funds are deposited into the Town’s bank account.

Please note: there may be up to three business day’s delay when paying online.

What do the charges on my utility invoice mean?
(See Fees & Charges CLICK Bylaw )

Metered Water: Water is charged at $2.10 per cubic meter.

Water IRF: Water Infrastructure Replacement Fee-per primary unit at $22.50/month.

Water IRF: Water Infrastructure Replacement Fee-per additional unit(s) at $12.50/month.

Sewer Discharge Fee: Sanitary $1.65 per cubic meter/per water consumption.

Sewer: Non Meter Residential $35.00/ month.

Sewer: Non Meter Non-Residential $25.00/ month.

Sewer IRF: Sewer Infrastructure Replacement Fee-per primary unit at $22.50/month.

Sewer IRF: Sewer Infrastructure Replacement Fee-per additional unit(s) at $12.50/month.

Garbage: Solid Waste Services charge at $35.82/month (four (4) bag limit for residential)

Metered Gas: is the current monthly natural gas rate charges from Sedgewick Killam Natural Gas System (SKNGS) as per the Gas Alberta Contract, plus Administration/Delivery charges of $1.40 per Gigajoule.

Gas Meter S/C: Monthly Gas Meter maintenance charge of $25.00.

Distribution System Fee: $7.50/month/utility account

Recreation & Cultural Fee: Recreation fee $7.15/month/ utility account.

GST:  the Federal Goods and Services Tax is charged on all gas-related services only on the monthly Utility Invoice.

What if I have extra garbage?

Tags for additional garbage bags over the 4-bag per week residential limit are available  at the Town Office at $2.50/tag for regular Thursday pick-up.

Additional garbage may also be taken to the Main Landfill. For Flagstaff Regional Solid Waste Landfill hours check out: www.frswma.com.

What kind of container can I use?

Garbage must be bagged, tied and placed in animal-proof containers with water-tight lids, and placed at the curb for collection, no earlier than 5:00 PM Wednesday evening and must be placed out prior to 7:00 AM every Thursday.

Check the Solid Waste Management   Bylaw    for more information.

Does Sedgewick have recycling?

Check the FSRWMA Recycling Policy.

Are there hook-up/connection fees?

There are no Connection fees; there is a Re-connection Fee of $60.00 if you request a vacation turnoff or if there is a shut off due to nonpayment of an account.

Payment Options:

  • Online payments directly from most major banking institutions
  • Customers can use their online banking account to set up payments to bills@sedgewick.ca
    • In the message, please record your payment as UT followed by the corresponding account number.
    • The individual Utility account number for each property are located at the top right of each invoice. Use ALL the numbers before the “space;” do NOT use the numbers after the “space.’
    • This account number set-up is the same the information required for “online” payments with banking institutions cited above.
  • By Mail: Box 129, Sedgewick, AB T0B 4C0.
  • In Person: by cheque, money order, or debit at the Town Office: 4818 – 47 Street, Sedgewick. (No Credit Cards)
  • Monthly Utility Payment Option: the monthly utility payment program begins annually in June. The utility costs for the previous year are averaged into monthly payments to set out the amounts for the upcoming year. Contact the Town Office to arrange monthly payments.

If you own a rental property and wish your tenant to have a copy of the billings, please complete and return the Utility Permission Form.
Deliver the completed form to the Town Office, by fax to 780-384-3545 or email: Utility Permissions (NOTE: The Owner of a rental property retains the responsibility to ensure  utilities are paid.)

Contact Information for Utilities

Flagstaff Regional Solid Waste Management –Flagstaff WasteHours Mon-Fri 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday 1 – 4:30 PM
780-384-3926 (fax)
Natural Gas – Emergencies24hr780-385-2116
Public Works - Emergencies
(Water & Sewer)
24-hr Call Forward780-384-3911
Alberta One CallCall Before You Dig1-800-242-3447
Power Outage – FORTIS1-866-717-3113
Toll Free
310-WIRE (9473)
Utilities Consumer AdvocateVisit the Utilities Consumer Advocate to
compare electricity prices in your area.
Electric Power Regulated Rate Option – EPCOR1-800-667-2345or 310-4300
Energy Rates Review Website: – ENERGY RATES Visit "Energy Rates" for competitive electricity rates
Call Toll Free: 1-855-635-9608

Utilities Consumer Advocate Office (UCA)

The UCA website is an interactive resource that helps consumers, especially vulnerable Albertans, make informed choices about their electricity and natural gas services. The website is mobile and tablet responsive and includes an interactive Cost Comparison Tool, list of energy retailers and searchable database that displays historic energy rates. It also includes contact information for a mediation team.

Visit ucahelps.alberta.ca to compare electricity and gas prices in your area, view historical rates, or get help resolving utility related issues.