The Town of Sedgewick

Boulevard Maintenance

Pursuant to Boulevard Bylaw 548/18 Council deemed it important to maximize public safety and aesthetic appeal of the Town’s boulevards.

The Town is responsible for the repair of boulevard sidewalks and fire hydrants.

A property owner may request the removal of a tree adjacent to their property by submitting an application to the CAO. The Town shall avoid the removal of healthy trees except in extenuating circumstances. If approved, trees that are not deemed dead or diseased by the Town shall be removed at the property owner’s expense.

A property owner may request the pruning of a tree adjacent to their property by submitting an application to the CAO. If approved, trees that are not deemed diseased by the Town or, do not qualify for removal based on the criteria listed in section 3.5 or 3.7, shall be pruned at the Property Owner’s expense.

Application Form

Bylaw 548/18