The Town of Sedgewick


The Town of Sedgewick has compiled the following information for our residents regarding various federal, provincial, and municipal programs and grants available for homeowners and business owners.

Federal Programs & Grants

Provincial Programs & Grants

FOIP Information

Under FOIP (Freedom of Information and Privacy Act), the Town of Sedgewick cannot give out personal information.

If you have any question about the administration of the FOIP Act or comments regarding the act, please contact:

Information Access and Protection Branch
Open Government
Service Alberta
3rd Floor, Commerce Place
10155 – 102 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4L4

Office Phone 780-422-2657
Help Desk Phone 780-427-5848
Fax 780-427-1120
Email: foiphelpdesk@gov.ab.ca

For questions or concerns regarding a public body’s compliance with the provisions of the FOIP Act, please contact:

Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner
410, 9925 -109 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2J8

Office Phone 780-422-6860
Toll Free 888-878-4044
Fax 780-422-5682
Email generalinfo@oipc.ab.ca
Website www.oipc.ab.ca

For toll-free access to the above offices or any provincial government office, dial 310.000 from anywhere in Alberta. Outside Alberta, call long distance 780-427-2711. Operators are available from 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Mountain Standard time – Monday to Friday.

For province-wide toll-free access from a cellular phone, dial *310 (for Rogers-AT&T) or #310 (for Telus).

Deaf/hearing impaired callers with a TDD can reach Alberta Government office by dialing 780-427-9999 in Edmonton or 1-800-232-7215 in other Alberta locations.