The Town of Sedgewick

Election 2021

On October 18th, 2021 the following individuals were elected into office for the Town of Sedgewick

Levy, Stephen

Bahm, Tom
Hinkey, Clayton Travis
Lewis, Nolan
MacEachern, Ian

Municipal elections are held every four years with the next election occurring on October 20th, 2025. The Town of Sedgewick elects one Mayor ‘at large’ and four councillors which means that each elected official represents all residents of our community.

If you are considering running for office please refer to the following links to help you get started:

A Candidate’s Guide: Running for Municipal Office in Alberta

Municipal Elections – Overview (Province of Alberta)

Local Authorities Election Act

To determine if you qualify as a candidate

Section 21 – Qualification of the candidate
Section 22 – Ineligibility
Section 23 – Ineligibility for nomination

Instructions on filling out the nomination form

Section 27 – Form of nomination
Section 28 – Nominations

Information on assigning an official agent/representative

Section 68 – Option for Official agent

Penalties for filing a false statement

Section 151 – Offence candidate’s acceptance

Prospective candidates must submit the following to the Town office prior to 12pm on September 20th, 2021:

Form 4 – Nomination Paper and Candidate’s Acceptance

This form must be signed by 5 electors, who would be eligible to vote in the October 2021 election. The form must also be sworn before a commissioner for oaths or a Notary Public.

Form 5 – Candidate Information

Other pertinent files to be aware of include:

Bylaw 538 – Councillor Code of Conduct Bylaw