The Town of Sedgewick

Community Resources

Get in touch with local community resources. All the community information for the Town of Sedgewick you’re looking for is at your fingertips!

Killam General Hospital
12.8 km West Highway 13
Phone 780-385-3741

Hardisty Hospital
31.5 km east Highway 13
Phone 780-888-3742

Viking Hospital
39.7 km North Highway 36
Phone 780-336-4786

Public Health Unit (Alberta Health Services)
4826 50 Street, Sedgewick
Phone 780-384-3652

Killam RCMP
12.8 km west Highway 13
Administration/Information, Phone 780-385-3509


Community Addiction & Mental Health Services (Killam)

Phone 780-385-7161
Informational Brochure on available services.

Iron Creek Veterinary Clinic
8 Spruce Drive, Sedgewick
Phone 780-384-0003

Visit them on Facebook

Viking Veterinary Clinic
39.7 km north on Highway 36
Phone 780-336-3234

Visit them on Facebook

Canada Post
4850 47 Street, Sedgewick
Phone 780-384-3818

Sedgewick Fire Department
4809 48 Street, Sedgewick
Phone 780-384-3685

Good as New Shop

Sedgewick’s Good As New Shop at 5017 50 Avenue is a treasure trove of vintage and ‘gently used’ items. Check it out to find many odds and ends at great deals. The Good As New Shop is operated by the churches in our municipality and donations are gratefully accepted.

If you wish to volunteer to help with sorting, pricing, cutting rags and repairs, sorting days are on Mondays and Thursdays from 9 AM to 12 PM. All questions can be directed to Sheila Tanton at (780) 384-3544.

Store Hours:
Tuesday, Friday, & Saturday
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Follow Good As New on Facebook

Flagstaff Food Bank

The Flagstaff Food Bank is located at 5014 – 46 St. in Killam, Alberta. It is open for pick-ups on Tuesday & Thursday at 11:00 AM, except on holiday weekends. Requests for food pick-up are by appointment only and must be placed at least 1 day prior to pick-up.

Phone: (780) 385-0810 or email: flagstaffoodbank@gmail.com

View them on Facebook

All meat donations must be processed through a licensed meat packing facility and can be tax-receipted at its fair market value. If a live cow is donated, the Food Bank is prepared to pay the meat processing costs; please contact 780-385-0810 for more information.

Garden produce is always welcome.

To arrange the drop off/pickup of gently used furniture, contact the Food bank.

Anyone wishing to drop off food donations or to volunteer can call the Food Bank.

Mail cash donations to:

Flagstaff Food Bank
Box 352, Killam, AB T0B 2L0


Support Services

Is stopping drinking a problem for you?

AA  Meetings are held on Mondays at 8 PM in the Sedgewick United Church at 4917 – 49 Street.
For more information, call Janice at (780) 386-2337

Is drinking causing a problem for you?

Alanon Meetings are held on Mondays at 8 PM in the Sedgewick United Church at 4917 – 49 Street.
For more information, call Maxine at (780) 386-3787 or (Text Only to 780-888-7042)

Care-A-Van Project

FFCS and FIRST have partnered with the community of Flagstaff and its 8 towns and villages to provide a service to alleviate some of the concerns for people in Flagstaff when it comes to travelling to medical appointments in large urban centers.

  • The Care‐A‐Van Project provides volunteers and requesting families with a vehicle to use as means to transport individuals to these urban centers.
  • The requesting individual/family must pay for parking and gas.
  • FFCS will provide volunteer and scheduling support for those interested in using this resource.
  • FFCS is looking for Interested volunteers willing to drive people to medical appointments.
  • If you or a family member need this service please contact us.

Applications are available for both volunteers and requesting families. For more information please contact FFCS at (780) 385-3976 or email  ffcs@telus.net.


T.O.P.S. (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly)

TOPS members meet in the Sedgewick United Church (upstairs) located at 4917 – 49 Street.

Mondays @ 6:30 PM

For more information contact Sherry at (780) 384-3682.


My Health Alberta Important Emergency Contact Numbers


Flagstaff Regional Housing Group

Provides subsidized apartments/manors with The Bethany Group; in Sedgewick the 10-unit apartment unit is known as “Prairie Rose Place.”

For more information call: Shannon Pasychnyk (780) 582-0007