The Town of Sedgewick

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50 Street Construction

Council move to support administration efforts in the communications with Alberta Infrastructure for the planned replacement of the Sanitary Sewer Main on 50 Street from the Railway Tracks to 52 Avenue. This would include the full replacement of the Sewer Main, plus water and sewer services to the property line of each individual home, including a new curb, gutter, sidewalk and new asphalt for the length of the project.

The 50 Street Infrastructure upgrade will be the largest project financially for Sedgewick in most recent years, requiring assistance from many sources of funding.

Five Year Capital Construction Program

The Town Council approved the five-year Capital construction program starting in 2025, which includes a full engineering assessment of the Water Treatment Plant and Sanitary Sewer Liftstation for future upgrades planned for 2026.

Sedgewick Fire Department FRESS Delegation – New Fire Hall Development

Town Council received a delegation from the FRESS Sedgewick Fire Department Fire chief for the exploration of a New Fire Hall Development in the Town of Sedgewick. The council deliberated the request and moved to fund the first step of Engineering Drawings for the department to obtain the necessary construction cost of the project. The council expressed a very favorable position on the project and is looking forward to future development in 2028.

2025 Interim Operations Budget

The 2025 Interim Budget has been approved by the Town Council, with the administration’s mandate to keep the mill rate the same for 2025. The council reviewed the budget in detail, requiring the difficult task of adjusting areas within the budget to ensure their mandate is met. The council will be deliberating over the next few months to finalize the Budget in May.

2025 New Fees and Charges Bylaw

The council have approved a new fees and charges bylaw for 2025. Residences of Sedgewick will see a slight increase in total monthly fees for All Utilities of $8.03 per month with no increases in residential water and sewer consumption rates. Bulk Water rates will increase by $1 per m3.

With the increase in fees, residents will see a slight increase in the monthly recreation fee of $1.35 per month. Recreation fees are utilized in balancing the utility budgets for the Wild Rose Coop Recreation Centre and Sedgewick Community Hall.

Council Highlight – Council approves the 2024 Operation and Capital Budget

The 2024 Final Operating and Capital Budget has been approved by the Council. Administration has minimized the impact of the Tax Rate on the residences and business community by a 2% increase in the Tax levy based on the increase in the assessment roll and an increase to the minimum tax rate from $1000 to $1050. The mill rate for the 2024 taxation year will remain consistent.

In a review of the Capital Projects in Q1 2024, pending a final report, there is a requirement for further review in Q3 for additional discussions on a five-year capital plan. For the current 2024 Capital budget, it was identified that several asphalt overlays are required. Administration has advised that a proposed overlay project should move forward for the 2024 Capital Budget Year. Funding for this project will come from the existing grant programs.

Council Highlight – Seniors Week 2024 Community Declaration

Stay Tune for more annoucements….

Council Highlight – No Change to the Mill Rate in the Town of Sedgewick

Council and administration confirmed that the mill rate for both Commercial and Residential properties will remain the same in 2024. An increase to the assessment roll provides a modest 2% overall increase within the budget, keeping the Town of Sedgewick in the right fiscal spending balance and conditions to meet the community’s needs.

Council Highlight – New Town Office Hours 2024

On December 21st, 2024, at the Regular Schedule Council meeting, Council approved a condensed workweek schedule for the Town Office Hours. The Town of Sedgewick Office hours will be adjusted to Monday to Thursday, 8:30 to 4:30 pm, opening during the lunch hours. The Town Office will be closed on Fridays. This condensed work week will not affect normal Public Works operational hours. The Town of Sedgewick Public Works Emergency phone number will remain 780-384-3911 during all hours of operations and weekends.