The Town of Sedgewick

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April 18, 2019 Council Meeting Highlights

Procedural Bylaw 555

The Municipal Accountability Program Review identified gaps in Bylaw 535, which is the Town of Sedgewick Procedural Bylaw. Council passed Procedural Bylaw 555 which addressed the gaps:

  • Removed provisions that allowed for councillors to cancel meetings in writing
  • Removed the allowance for all votes that were not unanimous to be recorded votes
  • Corrected the term “in Camera” to a “closed session.”

Animal Control Bylaw 556

Dog Control Bylaw 464 was approved in August 2009. Re-named Animal Control Bylaw 556 was passed with updates that included:

  • New definitions for Nuisance, Service and Restricted Dogs
  • New Licensing categories for Nuisance, Service & Restricted Dogs
  • New requirements of an owner whose animal/dog has been classified as a nuisance or restricted animal
  • New restrictions the CAO may impose for Nuisance and Restricted Dog

Check out these and other Bylaws in the Bylaw Library

Recreation & Culture Boards Sub-Committee Appointments

Council appointed Councillors Sparrow and Schmutz to the new Recreation and Culture Boards Sub-Committee established this spring, comprised of two designates from the Recreation, Golf Club, Community Hall and the Sedgewick Lake Park Boards, charged with three main goals:

  • To develop a cohesive staffing structure through shared employment between the recreation and culture boards.
  • To explore other areas of partnership that may be beneficial to the recreation and culture boards.
  • To forward recommendations to the respective recreation and culture boards for approval.

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