The Town of Sedgewick

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Council Highlights for April 19th, 2018

Town of Sedgewick Council discussed the following issues at their April 19th regular meeting of council.

2018 Operational Budget

Council approved the 2018 Operational Budget with the Total Taxes required, increased from 2017 levy of $798,434 to $811,977 (+1.68%) The budget was impacted by the Alberta School Foundation Fund: Residential properties increased by 4.4%; Non-Residential properties increased by 5.9%; and the Seniors’ Housing Foundation Requisition increased by 2.5%. The Operational Budget is available on the Town of Sedgewick website

2018 Capital Budget

Council directed administration to make amendments to the 2018 Capital budget and bring back to the May 2018 regular meeting of Council for approval.

2018 Tax Bylaw 539

Council endorsed Tax Bylaw 539 that authorizes the Mill Rates used to calculate the Tax Levy on all property within the Town of Sedgewick. Overall taxes (inclusive of ASFF and Seniors Foundation Fund) for Residential will increase by 5.6% and Non-Residential by 5.1%.

Inter-municipal Development Plan Bylaw 540

Council gave first reading to IDP Bylaw 540 which is a bylaw to ensure that a coordinated and cooperative approach is in place for managing the use and development of lands adjacent to the boundary of the Town of Sedgewick within Flagstaff County.

Dufferin Avenue Designation

Council endorsed a motion to remove the designation of Dufferin Avenue from Plan 4763AJ as the roadway designation caused conflicting address allocations and the possibility of future development expansion onto the golf course to create a block of lots that would access the Avenue was extremely unlikely.

Tax Payment & Penalty Bylaw 541

Council endorsed the Tax Payment & Penalty Bylaw 541 that rescinded the previous Tax Payment, Non-Payment, Pre-Payment & Penalties Bylaw 459.

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