The Town of Sedgewick

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November 17,22 Council Highlights

November 17,22 Council Highlights

Council highlights offer an unofficial summary of Council decisions from the most recent meeting and may not include all resolutions passed.  For the full meeting minutes go to https://sedgewick.civicweb.net/Portal/Minutes are unofficial until approved at the subsequent Council meeting.

Bylaw 595 Fees & Charges Bylaw

Council approved 2nd and 3rd reading of the news Fees & Charges Bylaw to take effect January 1, 2023.

2023 Operating Budget

Council approved the 2023 Operating Budget in the amount of $3,040,010.

Bylaw 596 Consolidations and Corrections Bylaw

Council approved all readings of Bylaw 5996 Consolidations and Corrections Bylaw which allows Administration to consolidate bylaws that have been amended and to make grammatical or clerical corrections to bylaws.

Policy 17-02 Human Resources Policy

Council approved the Human Resources Policy with changes to the accrued sick time, office closure days at Christmas and removal of Firefighters from long-term service awards.

Sedgewick Recreation Board Mowing Agreement

Council rescinded the earlier motion approving the mowing of public lands by the Sedgewick Recreation Board staff effective 2023.

Interim CAO Contract

Council approved the extension and amendment to the Interim CAO contract.

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