October 20, 2022 Council Meeting Highlights
Council highlights offer an unofficial summary of Council decisions from the most recent meeting and may not include all resolutions passed. For the full meeting minutes go to https://sedgewick.civicweb.net/Portal/Minutes are unofficial until approved at the subsequent Council meeting. |
Council approve adding a monthly recreation fee to the utility billings at a rate to ensure that $40,000 is generated to be utilized for the recreation and culture grants to be provided to town-owned recreation and cultural facilities and that this fee would be effective January 1, 2023.
Fortis Alberta Franchise Fee
Council agree to increase the Fortis Alberta franchise fee from 9% to 10% effective January 1, 2023.
Flagstaff Family & Community Services 2023 Budget
Council approve the Flagstaff Family & Community Services 2023 budget in the amount of $435,105 with an expected requisition for the Town of Sedgewick of $7,039.25.
Flagstaff Waste 2023 Draft Budget
Council approve the Flagstaff Regional Solid Waste Management Association 2023 draft budget in the amount of $2,648,050 with an expected requisition for the Town of Sedgewick of $135,535.58.
Parkland Regional Library 2023 Proposed Budget
Council approve the Parkland Regional Library System 2023 proposed budget in the amount of $3,597,800 with an expected requisition for the Town of Sedgewick of $6,660.
Sedgewick Community Hall Board Request for Funding
Council will be setting aside the annual rent paid by the Sedgewick Public Library for future maintenance issues for their building, and also capped the building purchase and renovation fund at $147,000.
Sale of Tax Recovery Property
Council accept the offer of $5,000 for Plan 3825P; Block 9; Lot 7 as presented and direct Administration to write off all outstanding taxes..