The Town of Sedgewick

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Arena Roof Replacement Project Receives $530k in Grant Funding

The Town of Sedgewick together with the Sedgewick Recreation Board are pleased to announce that the Government of Alberta, through the Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP), has awarded the amount of $530,188 to the Arena Roof Replacement project that will be undertaken in 2021. The grant is administered by the Ministry of Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women whose role includes, but is not limited to, building a vibrant cultural sector by supporting the development and sustainability of Alberta’s recreation, sport and non-profit / voluntary sectors.

The grant, awarded to the Friends of the Sedgewick Recreation Centre Society, will comprise a major portion of the total roof repair costs which are expected to be approximately $1.3 million. The remainder will come from the Federal Gas Tax Fund ($100,000), the Municipal Stimulus Program ($96,400), the Recreation Centre Board ($109,000 – awarded by Flagstaff County) and the Municipal Sustainability Initiative Grant ($475,000). Due to the CFEP announcement, the Town is not expected to have to borrow via a loan debenture instrument and stands to retain approximately $400,000 in already allocated grant funding that can be used for other important projects in water and sewer services.

The replacement of the arena roof is a necessary capital expenditure in 2021 as should it not be completed prior to the commencement of the 2021-2022 season, the arena would be forced to close. This is due to a loss in strength of the structural purlins which was discovered in December 2019. The roof was temporarily repaired in January 2020 but still requires the permanent fix which includes removing the current roof system down to the purlins, adding additional purlins and bracing as necessary and installing a 24 gauge trapezoid standing seam roof system with R20 insulation. In addition, a ventilation upgrade is required which includes installing a 4,400 l/s makeup air unit, ductwork and exhaust fans. The project is expected to go to tender in early March and be completed in August.

In a letter received from the Minister of Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women, the Honorable Ms. Leela Aheer stated “I am extremely honoured to support the work of nonprofit organizations that aim to foster healthy, vibrant communities across Alberta. The Government of Alberta is proud to support organizations that improve the quality of life in our communities. Your organization is to be commended on its hard work in connection with this large community project. It will have a positive effect on the quality of life in our community.”

The CFEP Large Funding Stream is administered on a yearly basis, and has an annual intake deadline of June 15. Eligible organizations include those registered in good standing under the Agriculture Societies Act, Libraries Act, and Societies Act among others. For more information or to apply for a CFEP grant, go to https://www.alberta.ca/community-facility-enhancement-program.aspx

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