The Town of Sedgewick

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June 27, 2019 Council Meeting Highlights

Designated Officers Bylaw

As per the 2019 Municipal Accountability Program Review Report, Council endorsed Designated Officers Bylaw 558 that establishes the positions of Assessor, Assessment Review Board clerk, Subdivision and Development Board clerk and any other required designated officers.

Utilities Bylaw

Council gave first reading to Utilities Bylaw 559 which addresses maintenance and repair responsibilities for water and sanitary sewer lateral lines.

Intermunicipal Assessment Review Board Bylaw

As per recommendations from the 2019 Municipal Accountability Program Review Report, Council endorsed Intermunicipal Assessment Review Board Bylaw 560 that replaces the former Intermunicipal ARB Bylaw 494.

Flagstaff Regional Subdivision & Development Appeal Board Bylaw

As per recommendations from the 2019 Municipal Accountability Program Review Report, Council endorsed Flagstaff Regional Subdivision & Development Appeal Board Bylaw 561 that replaces former Flagstaff SDAB Bylaw 489.

2019 Tax Recovery Auction

Council approved the reserve bids and conditions of sale for the 2019 Tax Recovery Auction properties.

Regional Broadband Project

Council withdrew from participating in the Regional Broadband Project due to the departure of other municipalities from the project.

FIP Managing Partner

Council decided to notify the Flagstaff Intermunicipal Partnership that they are not prepared to commit to a further 5 years under the current format.

Development Permit 2019-09 Variance

Council approved Development Permit 2019-09 for Plan 3825P, Block 7, Lot 1 and part of Lot 2, allowing a 5’ high fence to be built with a variance of being installed 11’ 6” from the north curb. Further, Council directed Administration to develop an amending bylaw to clarify section 40.1 of Land Use Bylaw 461 based on Council input.

Sidewalk Assessment

Council reviewed a sidewalk assessment and committed $10,000 to making the necessary repairs.

Splash Park

Council allocated $3500 towards a high-lift sewage pump for the spray park.

Summer Meeting Schedule

Council rescheduled their July regular meeting to July 30th at 6pm and cancelled their August regular meeting.

Spruce Drive Sewer Extension

Council decided not to further extend the sewer on Spruce Drive at this time due to budgetary constraints.

Recreation Funding Committee – Phase I Allocations

Council approved the Phase I Recreation grants as per the recommendations of the Recreation Funding Committee:

Battle River Knights Hockey            $30,000

CHSPS Parent Support Group          $2,500

Flagstaff Fusion Lacrosse                  $6,000

Flagstaff Scottish Club                       $2,000

Parents for Fun in Flagstaff                $1,000

Sedgewick Curling Club                     $5,000

Sedgewick Lake Park                          $4,000

Sedgewick Minor Ball                         $1,000

Sedgewick Mixed Bowling                 $4,617

Town of Killam (Killam Rec Board)    $5,000

Valley Ski Hill Alliance                        $5,000

Sedgewick Recreation Board           $47,500

Lifesaving Society CanadaNational Drowning Prevention Week

Council declared July 21-27 as National Drowning week with the following motion:

Whereas the mission of the Lifesaving Society Canada is to prevent drowning throughout this great country, and even one drowning in Alberta is one too many; and

Whereas most drowning are preventable in a Water Smart community, and only through Water Smart education and a healthy respect for the potential danger that any body of water may present can we truly enjoy the beauty and recreation opportunities offered by these bodies of water; and

Whereas the Lifesaving Society urges Canadians and residents of Sedgewick, Alberta to supervise children who are in and around the water, to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages while participating in aquatic activities, and to wear a Personal Flotation Device or lifejacket at all times when boating; and

Whereas the Lifesaving Society Canada has declared July 21 – 27, 2019 National Drowning Prevention Week to focus on the drowning problem and the hundreds of lives that could be saved this year.

Therefore, be it resolved that I, Perry Robinson, Mayor, do hereby proclaim July 21 – 27, 2019 National Drowning Prevention Week in Sedgewick, Alberta and do commend its thoughtful recognition to all citizens of our community.

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