Procedural Bylaw 555
The Municipal Accountability Program Review identified gaps in Bylaw 535, which is the Town of Sedgewick Procedural Bylaw. Council passed Procedural Bylaw 555 which addressed the gaps:
- Removed provisions that allowed for councillors to cancel meetings in writing
- Removed the allowance for all votes that were not unanimous to be recorded votes
- Corrected the term “in Camera” to a “closed session.”
Animal Control Bylaw 556
Dog Control Bylaw 464 was approved in August 2009. Re-named Animal Control Bylaw 556 was passed with updates that included:
- New definitions for Nuisance, Service and Restricted Dogs
- New Licensing categories for Nuisance, Service & Restricted Dogs
- New requirements of an owner whose animal/dog has been classified as a nuisance or restricted animal
- New restrictions the CAO may impose for Nuisance and Restricted Dog
Check out these and other Bylaws in the Bylaw Library
Recreation & Culture Boards Sub-Committee Appointments
Council appointed Councillors Sparrow and Schmutz to the new Recreation and Culture Boards Sub-Committee established this spring, comprised of two designates from the Recreation, Golf Club, Community Hall and the Sedgewick Lake Park Boards, charged with three main goals:
- To develop a cohesive staffing structure through shared employment between the recreation and culture boards.
- To explore other areas of partnership that may be beneficial to the recreation and culture boards.
- To forward recommendations to the respective recreation and culture boards for approval.