The Town of Sedgewick

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Council Meeting Highlights – June 14, 2018

Council discussed the following issues during their June 14th regular meeting.

Acknowledgement of Treaty 6

The Confederacy of Treaty 6 First Nations has 17 member nations. The territory itself stretched across the central portions of Alberta and Saskatchewan. The Town of Sedgewick falls inside Treaty 6 territory boundaries. Council approved that all future Town of Sedgewick Council meetings shall include an express acknowledgement from the Chair that the meeting is being held on Treaty 6 land, a traditional meeting ground of First Nations and Metis people.  A decision to install a Treaty 6 flag was postponed until the Main Street Revitalization Project design is underway.

Public Engagement Policy

The Modernized Municipal Government Act enacted January 1, 2018 ushered in several new Regulations including Public Participation Policy AR 193/2017. Council approved the Town of Sedgewick Public Engagement Policy 18-06. (See Sedgewick.ca)

Flagstaff Welcoming Project

Council agreed to fund the Flagstaff Welcoming Community Project in the amount of $1,000 annually in 2019 and 2020.

Golf Course Alley

Council approved the application of dust suppressant along the back alley that borders the south portion of Sedgewick Golf Course.

Regional Emergency Services

Council approves the Regional Fire and Emergency Services RFP, as presented.

Municipal Lot Lease Policy

Council directed Administration to develop a policy which would restrict what can be stored on a vacant lot that is leased by the Town and bring back to the next Policy Committee meeting.

 Parks & Facilities Truck Purchase

The Town created the new position of Parks and Facilities Foreman and will have filled the position as of July 3rd, 2018. Council approved the purchase of a new fleet vehicle with a budget of $40,000 to be allocated from the Vehicle Replacement Reserve GL Account #49732902.

Cannabis Bylaw

Council directed Administration to prepare a Bylaw that addresses the public use of cannabis and the location of cannabis outlets within the Town of Sedgewick to be reviewed at the next Policy Committee meeting.

Summer Council Meeting Dates

Council endorsed a motion to reschedule the July Council meeting from July 19th to July 12th at 6:00 pm and reschedule the August Council meeting from August 17th to August 23rd at 6:30 pm.

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